


NITKC students visited National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

From December 13 to 17, 2022, four NITKC students and three faculty members from Takuma Campus visited National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan for an exchange program.

Cheng Kung University and Kagawa National College of Technology signed an MOU on an academic exchange agreement focusing on AI and robotics in March 2021. As a result, they jointly offered the online class, "Introduction to Image Recognition AI and Robotics Lab," in the second semester every year starting in 2021. This visit was the first time since the agreement was concluded, as international activities were limited to online only due to the spread of COVID-19.


At Cheng Kung University, the NITKC students and the faculty members had the opportunity to conduct offline joint classes and tour the laboratories and campus. In addition, the students and the faculty members also participated in the international conference "Workshop on Future Computing 2022 (WFC2022)," organized by the School of Computing of Cheng Kung University's educational and research organization. During the visit, the NITKC students were significantly stimulated by the active conversation with Cheng Kung University students about their research studies, hobbies, culture, etc.


NITKC hopes continuously to promote academic exchanges with Cheng Kung University using AI and robotics technologies as a common interest.

Top Left: At the entrance to the campus of Cheng Kung University, Top Center: Joint classes, Top Right: Greetings from Principal Tanaka, Middle Left: Cheng Kung University symbolic tree, Middle Right: Laboratory tours, Bottom Left: International Conference WFC2022, Bottom Right: Students at Cheng Kung University and NITKC