


The 2022 International Student Exchange Meeting was held

On December 6, 2022, the 2022 International Student Exchange Meeting was held at the Takamatsu Campus cafeteria. This exchange event is an opportunity for international students from both the Takamatsu and Takuma campuses to express their gratitude to faculty, staff, tutors, classmates, and individuals and organizations outside the university who have helped them daily and to deepen their friendships. Every year, international exchange students are assigned to give a presentation on the theme, “Be a tourism ambassador and promote your home country!” this year. The international students from various countries gave enthusiastic speeches, introducing sightseeing spots, cultures, ethnic groups, foods, etc., and many questions were asked by the participants, which made the event extremely exciting.


The presentations by the international students were recorded and available for webcasting on the internet for those unable to participate on the day.

The 2022 International Student Exchange Meeting